Ultimate Authorized Guest Posts, Niche Basket
Best for Long-Term SEOs


Niche Basket is a new package that we are offering to help your website climb Google quickly and permanently. It relies on what is still the very best way to climb the SERPS: guest posting! This is the best value guest posting package you are likely to find anywhere and offers incredible volume and quality to ensure that you’re sending all the right signals to Google.

Guest posts in 16 major niches

Real outreach and networking – no blog networks or link farms in sight

High quality, original and relevant content

Starting price $13 per post

This is how guest blogging works:

I imagine that most of you by now will be familiar with guest posting but let me explain a little for the benefit of everyone else. Guest posting simply means that you’re writing content to go on another blogger’s website. You then offer them to have the content for free but in exchange, you get a link back to your website.

What’s Google’s view on guest blogging?

As far as Google is concerned, this now means you have a natural, one-way, inbound link to your site that is on a real blog with high quality and relevant content. Google has been making a lot of noise over the last few years about quality. Google doesn’t want us to build as many links as we possibly can any more, it wants us to build links on the best websites to demonstrate that we are a trusted resource. And it wants our links to be placed on sites with high quality content and to be associated with natural looking links.

We can’t get you a link on the biggest sites. But we can do the next best thing by playing a game of ‘degrees of separation’. By getting you links on high quality sites that are linked to the biggest sites on the web.And that trust and authority rubs off on you!